
Abraham Lincoln



Number President 16th President
Terms Served 1 Term Served (Assassinated)
Dates Served 1861-1865
Party Republican
State Represented Illinois
Married to / First Lady Mary Lincoln
Born Born: February 12, 1809, in Hodgenville, Hardin County, Kentucky
Died Died: April 15, 1865. Lincoln died the morning after being shot at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. by John Wilkes Booth
Age Abraham Lincoln would be years old this year


Abraham Lincoln, the finest president USA ever had, was born in a log cabin in the backcountry of Hodgenville, Hardin, USA on 12th February, 1809. He did not have a great relationship with his father Thomas Lincoln who was a carpenter and a farmer, but his mother Nancy Hawks, who died in 1818, was very dear to him.

His stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnson was very affectionate and kind to him. Lincoln had no formal schooling. His stepmother inspired him to educate and discipline himself. His family first shifted to Indiana and then to Illinois in 1830.
Lincoln had amazing ambition from early childhood and had a strong penchant for learning law. He made incredible efforts to gain knowledge of law. He worked in a farm, split rails used in the fences, surveyed, managed a mill and worked in a store at New Salem, Illinois while he was studying law.

He participated in the famous Black Hawk War in 1832.
Lincoln came to Illinois legislature in 1834 and was named the floor leader of the party. He served the state legislature for four successive terms and gained prominence as a Whig. He left the legislature in 1841.

Lincoln obtained his license to practice as an attorney in 1836 and shifted to Springfield the next year where he joined John T. Stuart as a law partner. He practiced law for 20 years in Springfield displaying great oratory eloquence, a cogent argument capability, and great understanding of law.Lincoln got married to Mary Todd of Springfield, in 1842. Lincoln’s marriage was not happy due to prolonged instability of his wife.

He emerged in the national scene by joining the Congress for one term from 1847 to 1849. Lincoln denounced the Mexican War which made him unpopular at home. When he was not offered the office of his choice after working hard for the election of Zachary Taylor in 1848, Lincoln retired from politics and started practicing law again.

Lincoln got heavily involved in the burning issue of slavery and came back to politics again in 1854. He vehemently opposed Stephen Arnold Douglas and targeted his criticism mainly to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. He was a candidate for the senate in 1855 but lost and joined the new Republican Party next year.

He gained his prominence in the party as an opponent to slavery. Lincoln stood against Stephen Arnold Douglas for the post of Senator in 1858. Though he was defeated in the election, he won a national accolade for his debate with Douglas which helped him win the Republican nomination for the post of President in the year 1860.In the presidential election, Lincoln won against John Cabell Breckinridge and Douglas from the Democratic Party, and John Bell from Constitutional Union Party, and was elected as the President.

Immediately upon the election of Lincoln as the President of the America, the belligerent South Carolina along with six southern states, who supported slavery, seceded from the union. In February 1961, a new Southern government was formed when the Crittenden Compromise failed.Though strongly condemning the secession, Lincoln decided not to use force. However when he wanted to send provisions to the beleaguered garrison in Fort Sumter, the Southern Confederate opposed it and on April 12, 1961 they opened fire to reduce the fort. This led to the beginning of the Civil War and secession of Upper South.

With the outbreak of civil war, the inexperienced Lincoln proved himself as one of the most extraordinary leaders of USA, both morally and politically. He displayed astute political sense and maturity. He declared the war being fought primarily against secession and not slavery. During this time the union army was formed. Lincoln made some brilliant moves to contain the war in spite of several criticisms. He found a highly competent general in Ulysses Simpson Grant. Lincoln found the right time to announce the Emancipation Proclamation in September 1862 after the victory at Antietam. In 1865, the slavery was legally ended.

With his immortal Gettysburg Address in November 1863, Lincoln ably defined war as a struggle for keeping the idea of democracy and his famous sentence ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people’ moved the people of America.Lincoln was re-elected as US President in 1864 defeating Gen. George B. McClellan. Abraham saw the victory of Union forces in 1865 and while he started planning for liberal reconstruction policy, he was shot dead by actor John Wilkes Booth, who was a southern fanatic, on 14th April, 1865, at Ford’s Theater. Abraham Lincoln died the next morning.

Lincoln was buried in Springfield, IL. Known by various name as Father Abraham, Old Abe, Honest Abe, the Great Emancipator, the Rail-splitter, the nation of America still mourns the death of the most distinguished president they ever had.





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